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Bar End Mirrors on an RT?


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Anyone using bar end mirrors on their R1200RT?


When I'm traveling with my tent etc. strapped to the back seat, I don't see very well behind me with the standard mirrors. They work fine when the back seat is empty.


I know about the GS and the KRS mirror options but I don't think I want to do that. Aerostich has some interesting options. http://www.aerostich.com/home.php?cat=544 Would any of them fit? Are any of you trying something like this? confused.gif

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I looked at that possibility, but I belive they would hit your gas tankor tank bag.This sounds a little crazy, but I've been looking at the rear tv cameras they have for cars some are small and mount to your licinse plate, tv screen is the size of your gps. could be intresting cool.gif

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JHP, Thanks for that link. Nice photo there of the Napoleons. I have seen those and wondered if they would fit the RT! thumbsup.gif

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When I saw that photo of the Napoleons originally, I followed the link and ordered a pair right away. After some relatively minor re-engineering of their mounting systems, they are "factory-fit" in appearance and function. I also twisted the mirror heads around by 180 deg., pulling them in a bit for better cosmetics (they're still out plenty far enough for an unobstructed view to the immediate rear). Now the fairing mirrors are adjusted "full-outboard" for complete coverage from directly behind (the Napoleons) out through my "blind spot" on both sides. Really nice...

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