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First Responders Class


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Several of us attended the First Responders class Saturday at San Diego BMW Motorcycles. Although I know some photos were taken, sorry no photos here, perhaps they will show up on the SDBMW site.


Two thumbs up for Brother Jamie for sharing his knowledge and experience to make us better prepared for when the unthinkable happens. It is just another example of the generosity that Jamie and Leslie and so many countless others on this board have done to make us a better community.


Perhaps because this site has occasionally taken dealers, justly or unjustly, to task for various reasons I especially want to thank Gary Orr and his crew at San Diego BMW Motorcycles for opening their shop up all day Sunday for us. There were approximately 50 riders there and nobody went away hungry or thirsty. Thanks again.


To make this a ride tale I will say the ride down on the FZ-1 was refreshing and the ride back was windy and the FZ-1 is the worst bike I have ever owned in the wind. Or maybe it’s just because I sat next to a shinny new KGT all day. Ahh motolust…

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Kudos to Jamie and to Gary and his staff. None of us were charged a dime, and we had rented chairs to sit on, a showroom cleared of bikes to make room for us, coffee and donuts and bagels in the morning, burritos and chips and soft drinks for lunch, and bikes and gear to drool over at every break! AFAIK, no bikes were sold, but I did see some new gear going out the door. Despite that, I'm sure the sales were nowhere near enough to compensate Gary for his expenses. You guys really ought to charge us for that class!

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