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Zumo XM to Sirius Conversion


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Following hot on the heals of the $100 Circuit City XM to Sirius conversion for factory GM radios, a friend today told me that a solution is imminent for Zumo users who want Sirius rather than XM. I searched but could find no specifics. A Sirius in my Zumo would make me a very happy camper! Anyone hear anything?



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The hardware is different (ford/chevy) and the potential merger is initially at the corporate level, not the hardware level - although at some time they've indicated producing dual capable machines.


However, the Garmin solution is unique to Garmin - I would expect it will be a long time before a dual capable antenna/radio will be available. Most likely too, a new offering of a Sirius option for the Zumo would entail the purchase of another expensive Garmin antenna/radio and a software update to change the display to say Sirius.

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