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Tranmission oil change R1100RT


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Iam just getting around to changing the transmission and final drive oil. The Clymer manual for the R1100Rt mentions a special BMW drain for removing the transmission oil that is screwed into the trans oil drain plug outlet. Is this drain really necessary? Has anyone fabricated an alternative? Any pics of it? Would appreciate any help. I bought the bike used from a friend and he took good care of it, however, this is my first time at draining the fluids of this particular bike.



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Take a plastic bottle, cut the ends off, cut length wise,roll it up, put in the hole and take the plug out. No mess!

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Thanks for the suggestios on fabricating a funnel. Sounds simple, cheap & effective. I'm sure the BMW tool mentioned in the Clymer would cost lots of bucks.



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Clive Liddell

The wall thickness of a PVC pipe, when wedged under the drain reduces the slope IMO. I prefer using a piece of oil or jam tin and fashioning a "drain" with it's upper end curved to closely fit under the g/box drain eliminating leaking back onto the exhaust. A similar but smaller "drain" is useful to place under the g/box filler so that when it is full the overflow is directed away into the draining pan instead of running down behind the side plate.

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I used some aluminum foil tucked up over the converter and let it drain. When done pull the foil out and no mess or oil on the converter. Works great for me..

Dave thumbsup.gif

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